Weekly Mashup 88

Pizza Hut box turns your phone into a movie projector Mashable

A clever Pizza Hut marketing campaign in Hong Kong lets takeaway diners turn their phones into movie projectors using just the empty pizza box. Nifty.

virtual reality headset

Virtual reality headsets are set to take off – and here’s how Business Insider

A new report from BI Intelligence offers very positive forecasts for VR headset shipments and revenue and estimate average selling price over the next five years.

current studios augmented reality

6 uses for augmented reality in healthcare Tech Republic

Current Studios built an AR game to measures whether a child will be able to lay still during an MRI, or whether they’ll need an anesthetic.

mobile marketing

Thoughts on the present and future of mobile marketing Forbes

Steve Olenski ponders on mobile trends including mobile wallets, reward-based mobile advertising and the future of mobile advertising.

cloud machine learning

Amazon aims to bring machine learning to the cloud Tech Republic

Amazon Web Services explain why it built a machine learning service to help companies mine their data for useful predictions without needing rafts of data scientists.