SeeFood! -- the intelligent app that knows food
June 2, 2017
SeeFood! -- the intelligent app that knows food
As huge fans of HBO’s Silicon Valley we couldn’t resist lending a helping hand when we saw them struggling to create the ‘Seefood’ app. So we rustled it up quickly using our Augmented Reality SDK and Computer Vision API and gave it our own twist. You’re welcome….
Show it food. See what it is. And get nutritional info and recipes. See, it’s super useful. Give it a go… DOWNLOAD SEEFOOD! (iOS only) and point it at food around you.
Nothing to hand? Scan the images below. Make sure you have your sound on!
But don’t show it ‘not food’, it doesn’t like that…
SeeFood! uses our Computer Vision API, Augmented Reality SDK and a dash of humour to identify all sorts of food, including-- apples, bananas, sushi, nuts, pizza and more. And a few fun surprises as well!
You too can embed this tech into your own app or products. Get in touch to learn more.