Virtual and Augmented Reality Will Reshape Retail - Weekly Mashup 151

Virtual and Augmented Reality Will Reshape Retail
Harvard Business Review

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are gradually beginning to change the way we shop. The transformation is encouraging retailers to develop their virtual commerce strategy. Incorporating these technologies will change the way customers shop and think as people’s experiences are enhanced by how they encounter products. Read more

10 Incredible Uses of Virtual Reality

Aside from gaming and entertainment, there are several functional uses of virtual reality too. For instance, psychologists are using VR to heighten traditional therapy methods and find effective solutions for treatments of psychological disorders. It could even help paraplegics regain body functions. Read more

How digital advertising can learn from progress elsewhere
MarketingTech News

With the development of digital experiences, digital advertising is evolving. Digital payments are also improving with methods such as Apple Pay, Android Pay and Samsung Pay entering the market, which is allowing customers to recieve better experience. Read more

When Artificial Intelligence Judges A Beauty Contest, White People Win

A new beauty pageant was judged using Artificial Intelligence and complex algorithms and the results could be classified as bias. Whilst around 6, 000 individuals posted submissions, almost all of the overall winners were of a lighter skin tone. This has sparked some controversy as AI tends to pick up patterns from large amounts of data. Read more