4 must read tech stories: VR and AR are transforming events

How virtual reality and augmented reality are transforming event venues

AR and VR create exciting opportunities for events across a wide range of industries, from corporate events to tourist attractions. For example, The Empire State Building has launched ‘the largest virtual reality centre’ in North America to strengthen its appeal as a must-visit attraction. The use of this immersive tech means that venues can offer more unique and memorable experiences to visitors. Read more

Art forgeries

This AI Can Spot Art Forgeries by Looking at One Brushstroke
MIT Technology Review

Detecting art forgeries is a difficult and expensive process. However, researchers have adopted AI to create an algorithm that can spot a fake simply by looking at a single stroke. This application of AI has the potential to transform how the art industry manages forgeries, with scope to develop more advanced algorithms in the future. Read more

Marketing trends

18 Marketing Trends to Watch in 2018

As 2018 approaches, there are a number of new trends predicted to make a significant impact on marketing strategy. Entrepreneur predicts that AI will become even more prominent within website messaging, and augmented reality will be adopted by more marketers. Check out these 18 trends for insight into how marketing may change in 2018. Read more

AI jobs

These are the jobs already being created by the artificial intelligence boom

Artificial intelligence has given rise to a range of new professions. For example, new kinds of user experience designers are in demand to create products like virtual personal assistants, which are continuing to grow in popularity. Read more to see the new job titles predicted to be in the workplace within the next 10 years. Read more