4 must read tech stories this week -- AI helps scientists discover new materials faster than ever

What will the future of augmented reality look like?

The impact of augmented reality spans retail, education, healthcare, engineering and more -- and is expected to continue to grow rapidly over the next 10 years. For instance, by 2025 AR and VR markets in healthcare are expected to reach $5.1billion. Discover AR predictions, use cases and more in this infographic on the future of AR. Read more

AI & the discovery of new materials
The Verge

Scientists are trading in trial and error for artificial intelligence in the discovery of new materials. Before the use of AI, the time between discovering a material and integrating it into a product could be more than 20 years. These new improved processes are creating better alloys for spacecraft, glass for smartphones and more. Read more

The computer vision ecosystem -- from security to marketing

Different sectors are realising the power of computer vision -- the field of artificial intelligence that enables computers to ‘see’ like humans. For instance, security companies can harness facial recognition to strengthen security cameras. Or market research firms can use it in focus groups to analyse participants’ expressions as they try out different products. Read more

AR -- your new guide to the art world

At one point in time stolen artwork could have been lost forever. Today, galleries are able to virtually ‘return’ stolen pieces to their frames using augmented reality. This is just one way tech is reshaping the art world -- AR also enables visitors to scan a painting to learn more about it, and empowers artists to bring their work to life in a new dimension. Read more